30% OFF Your 90-Minute Mold Consultation!
You suspect there's mold in your home.
You may be experiencing mold illness symptoms.
You can smell it. You can see it.
And you're up at night wondering where else there could be mold.
Your 2 o'clock in the morning question: Is my house making me sick?
Before you hire a 'mold expert'...
Before you you Google how to use bleach to clean up mold...
Before you go to your doctor, explain your symptoms and get told mold isn't the issue...
It's time to put together a solid plan to assess, manage, and mitigate your mold concerns.
When you schedule a 90 minute mold consultation and strategy call with Steve, here's what you get:
a comprehensive pre-call home environment and indoor air quality review (you'll fill out a questionnaire documenting the history and current situation of your mold concerns and Steve will review, research, and prepare some mold protection measures that are customized to your home environment)
an indoor air quality discussion and assessment
the creation of a personalized mold follow-up report and evaluation plan after the call
a moisture intrusion checklist, mold prevention schedule, and a step-by-step plan of the next steps to further investigate and handle your mold concerns
the ability to ask questions, learn more about what causes mold and mold mitigation strategies, how to find a highly qualified mold contractor in your local area, and a thorough discovery session to determine the timeline and exact approach you need to take to protect the health and home of your family
the knowledge and expertise of a mold contractor with over 20 years of mold mitigation, home inspection and general contractor experience.
Regular Price: $399 ​
Don't miss your 30% off deal!
Purchase your Mold Consultation today!
The Black Friday 30% off sale ends at 12:01 am on Saturday, November 25, 2023